1. Why is MO2 throwing an exception when I try to create a type inheriting one of MO2 class?

This often happens if you forget to call super().__init__() with the right arguments. Even if the list of arguments is empty (as in the example), it must be called due to a “bug” in boost::python:

class MySaveGame(mobase.ISaveGame):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__()  # Mandatory!

2. How can I be sure to implement all the required methods when creating a plugin?

It is kind of annoying to create a MO2 python plugin that kind of works and have it crash at some point simply because there plugin is missing a function implementation. You can have mypy warn you for such issue by typing the createPlugin or createPlugins functions:

import typing

# A plugin that is missing something (e.g. display()).
class MyPlugin(mobase.IPluginTool): ...

# If you type-hint `createPlugin` by adding `-> mobase.IPlugin`,
# `mypy` will warn you that `MyPlugin` is an incomplete class.
def createPlugin() -> mobase.IPlugin:
    return MyPlugin()

# You can also type-hint `createPlugins`:
def createPlugins() -> typing.List[mobase.IPlugin]:
    return [MyPlugin()]

3. Why are my isinstance(x, QObject) and isinstance(y, QWidget) not working?

Some classes from mobase are said to inherit QObject and QWidget in the stubs, such as mobase.IDownloadManager. This is not the case in practice due to limitation in Python and boost::python. The bases are in the stubs to allow for auto-completion and typing, which is then simulated in the real mobase by overriding __getattr__ and delegating to the underlying QObject or QWidget.